Safely Deter Coyote
With Nite Guard Solar coyote deterrent lights, you can protect your family, pets, chicken coop, and other precious property from coyote attacks. Install Nite Guard Solar lights today, and take comfort from knowing that your property is safe. Order a set of Nite Guard Solar lights online, or at a retailer near you.
Nite Guard Solar
Nighttime protection.
Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.

Buy Predator Deterrent
Safe & Effective
Solar Powered
Mother Earth Friendly
Activates at Dusk
Safe for People, Pets, & Livestock
Stops Intruders
We are the Original.
We are a Professionally Trained Predation Consulting Company with over 40 Years of Experience. Family-owned, located in Minnesota.What Our Customers Say
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I have deployed my first order of Nite Guard units and ordered six more. I want to thank you for an absolutely outstanding product.
I was initially doubtful as to the effectiveness of your product, but nevertheless placed them about the approximately 20 acre pasture that I use for the saddle horses. Each Nite Guard unit was placed such that its beam interlocked with the beams of each other unit on its flanks, creating a solid wall of visual coverage around the entire perimeter of the p... read more
Alan Baxter, Hereford Arizona
These Nite Guard Solar lights are unbelievable! They work GREAT on coyote!
Aurora Taylor, North Easton, MA
I was able to pick up four Nite Guards at a very reasonable price and have installed them on my Guinea coop near the one I won at the Guinea Fest two years ago. That first one is still working every night since I’ve installed it. But, have increased the size of the Guinea pen and figured I needed additional lights.
C. Eisemann, Indian Mound, TN
These Lights really stop coyotes. I am very, very, very, happy!
C. Kerr, Mountain ON, Canada
A couple of years ago, I decided I wanted to raise and breed heritage chickens. I began to read every book, article, and blog I could get my hands on. I wanted nothing but the best for MY chickens. I was really worried about the fox, coyote, raccoon, and skunks we have on the island. One day I came across an article for Nite Guard Solar lights. I had seen other products that claimed to keep the predators away, but after doing some research, it was Nite Guard I purchased for my first coop. Bec... read more
C. Martin, Prince Edward Island, Canada
I would like to thank you once again for a fantastic product. It surpasses all you said it would do. In additional to putting a literal stop to the coyote and owl attacks, it also stopped the infestation of “Katrina Thieves” on my farm! Even though Hurricane Katrina is a distant memory for most people, years later I am still experiencing the looting and trespassing problems that started after Hurricane Katrina ripped through Louisiana. I even overheard some “bandits” that were caught stealing... read more
C. Wallace, Belle Chasse, LA
“I would like to thank you once again for a fantastic product. It surpasses all you said it would do. It has put a literal stop to the coyote and owl attacks, but almost more importantly it stopped the infestation of (hurricane) ‘Katrina Thieves’ on my farm! Thank You!”
C. Wallace, LA
We were losing two or three sheep each night to coyotes until we installed the Nite Guard Solar lights. Since then we have had zero kills. Thank you for a great product!
Dan & Lorna Wilson
Occasionally in the plethora of new farm/stable products products that come along there is one that truly is revolutionary and useful. In my geographical area, my farm has been haunted by coyotes which would endanger my mares and foals during their nighttime turnout schedules. Since I have placed Nite Guard Solar lights in my pastures and paddocks, I have not seen nor heard these predators which could harm my valuable livestock. I can now rest at night knowing that my pastures are safe. M... read more
David Ranson, M.D. Racing Manager for Equivest Racing
I have been using Nite Guard Solar since 2006. Prior to that, I had large losses of chickens and ducks to raccoon, fox and coyote for several years. Since finding the Nite Guard Solar, I have had no more losses! My lights are here to stay. I tell everyone about them. Thanks for the good service, you’re the best!
Donna McKenery, Springfield, WV
We heard coyotes every night until we put up Nite Guard Solar lights. Now we have not heard them for months.
Gary Fowler in GA
“At last, a trick that works! I am a fancy fowl hobbyist and have had everything from owl, weasel, coyote and coons as culprits. This year I read your article in Backyard Poultry and decided to try the Nite Guard. I have not lost a single critter to predators since putting the Nite Guard in place. I highly recommend the Nite Guard. It is a great investment.”
H. Hamilton, ME
“Owls and Coyotes used to rule at night. Since installing the Nite Guard lights, my birds are completely protected from these nighttime varmints. They do their job.”
H. Moreno, Pleasanton, TX
I lost every duck and goose on my pond to raccoons and coyotes and then re-stocked the pond and installed the Nite Guard lights. After that I did not lose a single bird.
J Crawford, Jackson, TN
I had 100 head of sheep on 10 acres and lost 40 lambs in one year to coyotes. I quit raising sheep for two years out of frustration until I decided to try Nite Guard on a smaller flock. I was in awe to find it completely protected my animals. Now I am rebuilding my flock with no kills from coyotes. It works!!
J. Baker, AR
Absolutely stops coyotes! My neighbors laughed at me when I bought this product. They are not laughing now because the coyotes are starting to go to their rightful place after I installed Nite Guard Solar lights.
J. Fendrick, Windsor, CO
Had coyote problems – not any more; they work!
J. Ledbetter, Alpine, AL
Ever since 2011 we started using Nite Guard around our 100′ x 60′ garden in the Berkshires. We have not lost one plant to deer, bear, coyote or rabbits. Every one that I tell about it is a bit doubtful at first. I have told each one if they are not happy with your product I would buy it from them and use it my self. One friend in VT had bears into his bee hives which were surrounded by electric wire, with Nite Guard the bears have stayed away. The key is to move the units every so... read more
Joe von Korff, Port Washington, NY
I own pygora goats and we have had problems with coyotes and wild dogs. I heard about the Nite Guard lights from other goat owners. The consensus was they seemed to work, so I tried some. Since then I have not seen ANY sign or tracks anywhere nearby. So I want several more for my guinea hen pen. I believe the lights also have a secondary effect – we live back off the road in WV and the blinking lights have even stopped a couple of uninvited human visitors as well.
... read moreK. Santucci, Hedgesville, WV
In May, we lost 5 lambs to coyotes in a span of a week. We have 110 ewes and have had coyote problems in the past but had not lost anything for 10 years after switching from guard dogs to a llama. When we experienced the coyote attacks again in May, I turned straight to your product I had seen in SHEEP! Magazine months prior. We are happy to report that we have not had ANY problems since we got the Nite Guards set up in our pasture, four on a post. My husband has seen fresh coyote tracks up t... read more
Lucy Floren, Touchet WA
I truly thank you folks for this wonderful little invention of yours…haven’t seen or heard a coyote since the original Nite Guard Solar® patrols the perimeter of my property…many thanks!
M. Dmitru, Crystal Falls, MI
The night prior to installing your product I lost 9 hens. The weeks leading up to this I lost 1-3 per night. It was like I had become the local Coyote Kentucky Fried Chicken! I tried everything from traps to haunting them hard. All to no avail. The very night I installed the original Nite Guard Solar® units my loss went to exactly ZERO. I have not lost a single bird to any predator since then. It has been so effective that I have not even heard the coyotes howling in my area for at least the ... read more
M. Hatfield, Columbus, IN
At first I could not believe that a small flashing light could keep coyotes away from our livestock. But with a little research and after reading some testimonials, I decided to try your product. I installed 2 Nite Guard lights on each side of the house (the main direction the coyotes usually came from). Ten days later, and not one coyote has ventured closer than 300 to 400 feet from the house.
M. Tickle, Paulden, AZ
We put two Nite Guards on our chicken coop about 2 months ago and last night, at around midnight, we witnessed how well it works. A small group of coyotes came within about 12 feet of the coop and went no further. They howled and ran around it, but did not approach it. Thank goodness for Nite Guard because we love our chickens!
Margo Otterstetter in Washington State
I used to have Llama…but now the Nite Guard Solar lights are working better than the Llamas at keeping coyote away from my sheep. And they keep skunk away, too. Nite Guard is a great product!
Milton Archuleta, Blanco NM
The coyotes are just gone. It is just amazing how well the Nite Guard lights work. Thank you so much for your product.
Patricia Davies, Lake Charles LA
I have a family farm almost right in the middle of Hollywood. This is the first time in my entire life that I have not seen a coyote on our property and this farm has been in my family for 130 years! I just can’t get over what Nite Guard has done for Paddison Farm. I will definitely be ordering more lights in the future!
R. Scantlebury, Norwalk, CA
I mounted Nite Guard lights 24” off the ground and 30’ apart and it absolutely stopped coyotes from entering my chicken yard at night. I have not seen any since.
Robert Rutherford, London, KY
I used to have coyotes killing my sheep often. Since installing Nite Guards 4 years ago, I have not lost one animal. These Nite Guards will stop coyotes. I just bought more units for my son who is now raising sheep on his own.
S. Tharp, Overland Park, KS
I was very skeptical at first about the Nite Guard lights, but they stopped my coyote problem with my sheep. I used to have coyote right in my pens…but not anymore. I am a repeat customer of Nite Guard Solar.
Steve Baustert, Kingfischer OK
I raise shetland sheep and had problems with coyote. I am totally sold on these lights. I am very, very pleased with them. They absolutely protect my sheep!
Steve Tharp, Overland Park KS
Nighttime Protection
Nite Guard Solar
Protection against nighttime predators.
Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.
Daytime Protection
Nite Guard Repellent Tape
Daytime issues with animals?
Nite Guard Repellent Tape is a wide, heavy duty, iridescent foil tape that scares away daytime animal visits with light, movement, and noise.
Will a Coyote Attack My Dog? Learn How to Protect Pets from Coyotes in Urban Areas
There are many advantages to living in a rural or semi-rural area. Plenty of space, starlight on cool summer nights, and crickets and cicadas in the breeze. Another familiar noise for rural residents is the coyote call. In today’s changing world, coyotes have become bolder, venturing into towns in… Read More
Protecting Horses Against Coyote and Other Night Predator Attacks
You put a lot into raising your horses. In addition to the thousands of dollars each animal is worth and the thousands of dollars you pay each year to keep them healthy and fed, there’s also a human connection that forms between horses and owners. Even the most experienced… Read More
Losing Sleep Because Coyote are Killing Your Goats?
A midnight howl startles you awake. Your eyes snap open, and your heart races. There’s no doubt that a pack of coyotes is moving — and you realize they’re probably heading for the goats you moved to the north pasture last week.
Coyotes are one of the most common… Read More