Safely Deter Racoons
Nite Guard Solar raccoon repellent lights have been proven to get rid of raccoons in an environmentally friendly and humane manner. If you have been searching for a way to protect your property from raccoon visitors, install Nite Guard Solar lights, and rest assured that your property is safe. Use our raccoon repellent lights to protect chicken coops, gardens, farms, and fish ponds. Order a set of Nite Guard Solar lights online, or at a retailer near you.
Nite Guard Solar
Nighttime protection.
Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.
Buy Predator Deterrent
Safe & Effective
Solar Powered
Mother Earth Friendly
Activates at Dusk
Safe for People, Pets, & Livestock
Stops Intruders
We are the Original.
We are a Professionally Trained Predation Consulting Company with over 40 Years of Experience. Family-owned, located in Minnesota.What Our Customers Say
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I was able to pick up four Nite Guards at a very reasonable price and have installed them on my Guinea coop near the one I won at the Guinea Fest two years ago. That first one is still working every night since I’ve installed it. But, have increased the size of the Guinea pen and figured I needed additional lights.
C. Eisemann, Indian Mound, TN
A couple of years ago, I decided I wanted to raise and breed heritage chickens. I began to read every book, article, and blog I could get my hands on. I wanted nothing but the best for MY chickens. I was really worried about the fox, coyote, raccoon, and skunks we have on the island. One day I came across an article for Nite Guard Solar lights. I had seen other products that claimed to keep the predators away, but after doing some research, it was Nite Guard I purchased for my first coop. Bec... read more
C. Martin, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Thank you, Thank you! I have raised chickens for seven years and every year I have lost most of my flock to raccoons and minks. I have tried everything and nothing worked. I installed Nite Guards all around the barn in 2008 and now my chickens and goats are very, very happy…and alive! Thank you again Nite Guard!
D. Baker, Garret Co., MD
I use the Nite Guard lights to protect my garden against deer and raccoon. As long as I have the lights in place I have no problems. If I take them down, the deer and raccoons return. They work!
D. Holmberg, Randolph, KS
I have used your lights since 1999 and have not had one raccoon problem since. I gave one of the lights to my neighbor to use and he has not had any problems either. The original lights are still working. I highly recommend your product.
Darrell Burdge, Hazlegreen, KY
I have been using Nite Guard Solar since 2006. Prior to that, I had large losses of chickens and ducks to raccoon, fox and coyote for several years. Since finding the Nite Guard Solar, I have had no more losses! My lights are here to stay. I tell everyone about them. Thanks for the good service, you’re the best!
Donna McKenery, Springfield, WV
These Nite Guards really, really work. They have shut down all of my owl and raccoon problems on my chickens. I’m ordering more today.
G. Gray, Nokesville, VA
“At last, a trick that works! I am a fancy fowl hobbyist and have had everything from owl, weasel, coyote and coons as culprits. This year I read your article in Backyard Poultry and decided to try the Nite Guard. I have not lost a single critter to predators since putting the Nite Guard in place. I highly recommend the Nite Guard. It is a great investment.”
H. Hamilton, ME
As a member of our local ‘Friends of Feral Cats’ group I put out food every night for the stray cats. I have had to bring the food dish inside every night though because the raccoon and skunk would eat it. I have tried everything on the market to stop them…sprays and other repellents. Nothing has worked until I found the Nite Guard Solar lights. I can leave the food outside now without worrying about those pests coming around to eat it.
Hazel Hovde, Pelican Rapids, MN
Had our annual snowshoe party this week. One couple who had been here last year thanked me for turning them onto Nite Guard. Coons had been destroying their grape crop but this year, with help from your product, no coons molested their grapes.
I am a speaker on hobby poultry production and I always recommend your product. I’ve used it for years. It works.
Henry in Maine
I lost every duck and goose on my pond to raccoons and coyotes and then re-stocked the pond and installed the Nite Guard lights. After that I did not lose a single bird.
J Crawford, Jackson, TN
I have a small pond in my yard with goldfish that grew from feeder fish to 10 inch beauties over the course of nine years. Young have been born and the pond was a delight until raccoons discovered it three years ago. The plants were trashed, water muddied, filters destroyed, and the raccoons provided the ultimate insult of bringing the fish up on the deck and consuming them in one of the chairs there. I tried leaving a radio on at night, hanging containers of coyote urine, leaving lights on, ... read more
Jane P. Connerton, Newport, RI
Finally, something that really works! I live on the outskirts of a small town in Iowa and had two summers of hell with raccoons on my back deck and gazebo that sit less than twenty feet from a corn field. I trapped fifteen in a little over two months in a live trap. I was so tired of cleaning up their feces but the final straw was when they tore up all the cushions on my Pottery Barn deck furniture. I’d asked every farmer I knew for their advice but nothing worked. Then one day I ran ac... read more
Janee in Pleasantville, IA
Last year I lost all my ducks to raccoons, but after placing four of these little gems around the property, I didn’t see any kind of critters. Thank you so much. I tell everyone about them!
Kathryn K. in AL
I grow 4 acres of sweet corn and always had trouble with raccoons. I used poison and live traps which weren’t 100% effective. Plus, you had to dispose of the carcasses. Since using Nite Guard, I have had no raccoon problems!
L. Safford, New Lothrop, MI
I have been using the Nite Guard lights for years to stop mink and raccoon on our island near the mainland. People live trap and turn loose many raccoons on our island and without your lights I could not keep my poultry and waterfowl alive. The first ones I bought lasted four years.
M. Karney, Vashon Island, WA
Having had problems with owls & raccoons, I decided to check out Nite Guard anti-predator lights.
The principle of how they deter night predators seemed sound and the lady on the phone at Nite Guard gave me very helpful advice on locating and installing them. So I ordered a whole bunch. I had little doubt they would keep those pests away. My big concern was whether they would work all night on limited charging. Up here in Canada the winter days are short & often sunless for day... read more
Martin Hill, Lund B.C. Canada
Having had problems with owls & raccoons, I decided to check out Nite Guard anti-predator lights. The principle of how they deter night predators seemed sound and the lady on the phone at Nite Guard gave me very helpful advice on locating and installing them. So I ordered a whole bunch. I had little doubt they would keep those pests away. My big concern was whether they would work all night on limited charging. Up here in Canada the winter days are short & often sunless for days at a ... read more
Martin Hill, Lund B.C. Canada
My backyard seems to be raccoon alley. I have seen at least 20+ in the years that I have lived here. In fact my dog goes crazy on a regular basis at 1-3 a.m. because of the raccoons, skunks, and opossums that come through my yard. I live within 50 yards of a large open area. The Nite Guard Solar lights have been terrific in that I have not had a single problem with the critters invading my coop over the past 2-3 years since using the lights around my chicken pen. I’m trying to keep the streak... read more
Michael A. Johnson, D.P.M., Petaluma, CA
Earlier this year I ordered four of your Nite Guard Solar lights. I put them up in March – one on each side of my property. I’m happy to tell you that this is the first year, in years, that I have not been bothered by bears! No bobcats or raccoons either. I would highly recommend them to anyone with a predator problem. Thank You!
Mrs. E.B. Jones, Okanogan, WA
The number of purple martin hatchlings raised to adults in my houses has increased each year since using Nite Guard Solar lights to protect against owls. Prior to that there would be years when the entire hatch and adults would be killed. I set my daughter up with Nite Guard Solar lights also to protect against a huge raccoon problem, they worked there as well. I believe in this product and would not be without them.
Roger in Quincy, IL
Nighttime Protection
Nite Guard Solar
Protection against nighttime predators.
Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.
Daytime Protection
Nite Guard Repellent Tape
Daytime issues with animals?
Nite Guard Repellent Tape is a wide, heavy duty, iridescent foil tape that scares away daytime animal visits with light, movement, and noise.
How to Protect Purple Martins from Predators and Keep them Thriving in Your Yard
Attracting purple martins to your yard seems like a win-win deal: you get to enjoy their beauty and activity, and they have a safe place to feed, nest, and relax — at least, until they catch the attention of local predators, both winged and four-legged. Have you unwittingly lured… Read More
Easily Deter Raccoons with These Tips
Known for stealthily preying on chickens and feasting on lush garden greens, raccoons are nighttime nuisances. To prevent future unwelcome visits, the predator control experts at Nite Guard Solar have these easy tips on how to deter raccoons. If you take action, you can look forward to a property… Read More
How to Keep Raccoons Out of Ponds — 5 Tips
Raccoons are resilient creatures. They’ve easily adapted to human presence, and more raccoons (up to 20 times more!) are now living in urban areas than in the wild. Rurally, raccoons usually nest in hollow logs or rocky caves. In urban areas, though, you might find them in crawl spaces,… Read More