
Wild Turkey Repellent

Two Wild Turkeys in a field - repel them with Nite Guard

Safely Deter Wild Turkeys

Are wild turkeys storming into your yard and your neighborhood? You can take control of the situation. Nite Guard Repellent Tape is an effective daytime wild turkey repellent. Our flash tape is:

  • Extra-wide
  • Heavy-duty
  • Easy to install
  • Noisier and brighter than ordinary flash tape
  • Nite Guard Solar

    Nighttime protection.

    Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.

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Installation Instructions for Wild Turkey
To install Nite Guard Repellent Tape to deter wild turkeys, cut 5-6 strips that measure 30 inches long. Place the strips at eye level to wild turkeys ― they’re about 2-3 feet tall ― every 20-25 feet in the area you want to protect. You can affix the Repellent Tape to a 30 inch high post, tree, pole, or something similar in your yard. Once installed, Nite Guard Repellent Tape starts working immediately. Our flash tape keeps wild turkeys out of your yard and garden by using light, noise and motion. Learn how Nite Guard Repellent Tape works.

Buy Predator Deterrent

Safe & Effective

Solar Powered

Mother Earth Friendly

Activates at Dusk



Safe for People, Pets, & Livestock


Stops Intruders


We are the Original.

We are a Professionally Trained Predation Consulting Company with over 40 Years of Experience. Family-owned, located in Minnesota.

What Our Customers Say

Nighttime Protection

  • Nite Guard Solar

    Protection against nighttime predators.

    Nite Guard Solar® has been proven effective in repelling predator animals through overwhelming evidence from testing by our company and tens of thousands of users.

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Daytime Protection

  • Nite Guard Repellent Tape

    Daytime issues with animals?

    Nite Guard Repellent Tape is a wide, heavy duty, iridescent foil tape that scares away daytime animal visits with light, movement, and noise.

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