I wanted to let you know that this was the first time in 4-5 years that I was able to enjoy my home-grown sweet corn! In years past, the deer would devour it, but not after installing the 4 lights this summer. I also used the Repellent Tape above my blackberry patch and within 1 hour, all the nuisance birds were gone! Now that my garden is done for the year, I plan to use the lights for security purposes.
D. Jenkins, Elkton, VA
We have thousands of robins that migrate into our area in the fall and winter to eat the juniper berries. They leave a terrible mess of droppings everywhere. My horse water troughs were a favorite spot for them to drink and contaminate the water with their droppings. I used duct tape to attach the repellent tape strips to the fence pipe near the troughs and it has worked perfectly! It isn’t easy to dump troughs and clean them frequently here in the winter. Your product has made my life ... read more
Neva Parker