Having had problems with owls & raccoons, I decided to check out Nite Guard anti-predator lights.
The principle of how they deter night predators seemed sound and the lady on the phone at Nite Guard gave me very helpful advice on locating and installing them. So I ordered a whole bunch. I had little doubt they would keep those pests away. My big concern was whether they would work all night on limited charging. Up here in Canada the winter days are short & often sunless for days at a time & the nights are long just when you really need them to work.
Well, I installed my Nite-Guards, some up high for the flying predators & some just above the ground for raccoons. They worked like a charm from day one & have never let me down. They come on well before dark & continue flashing for a while after sunrise, covering the entire danger period. I am blown away how they work night after night, with absolute minimum of daytime light to recharge.
I have had no problems with predators since installing my Nite Guards. In fact a few weeks ago an owl came onto the property at dawn. It “challenged” Â one of the Nite Guards by calling to scare it off. The Nite Guard of course “stood its ground” & the owl took off!! To anyone with night predators, I would definitely suggest getting Nite Guards. They really do work.